How to Limit Access to Specific Setup Tasks in Oracle Fusion SaaS Cloud Implementation?

How to Limit Access to Specific Setup Tasks in Oracle Fusion SaaS Cloud Implementation?

The Application Implementation Consultant (ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_CONSULTANT_JOB) role has full access to perform all offering opt-in and setup related activities.

Therefore, only assign it to users strictly on a need basis if absolutely necessary and for a temporary duration. Instead, it’s recommended that you create a custom role based on the tasks they need and assign that custom role to the relevant users. While creating custom roles, make sure only the required privileges are assigned. 

Other roles are available with predefined and limited access to a subset of tasks. Review the requirements and grant users roles that are required to complete a particular task.

How Limit Access to Specific Setup Tasks

To limit a user's access to specific setup tasks, grant both these roles to the user:


  • A role with the task-specific privilege

If you also want to allow the same user to export and import task-related setup data, additionally grant the Export Import Functional Setups User (ORA_ASM_EXPORT_IMPORT_FUNCTIONAL_SETUPS_USER) role.

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