You can design barcodes to include two data fields in a single scan.
Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications supports the use of a delimiter character for combinations of data fields frequently concatenated into a single barcode.
There are three Oracle Warehouse Management profile options used to specify the delimiter character:
WMS: Item/Revision Delimiter: This profile specifies the delimiter character that is used to combine the item number and revision into a single barcode. If this profile is set to (-), then AS54888-A is interpreted as Item AS54888, Revision A.
WMS: PO Number/Line Delimiter: This profile specifies the delimiter character that is used to combine a Purchase Order Number and PO Line Number into a single barcode. If this profile is set to (:) then 12736:01 is interpreted as Purchase Order 12736, PO Line Number 01.
WMS: Subinventory/Locator Delimiter: This profile specifies the delimiter character that is used to combine the subinventory and locator into a single barcode. If this profile is set to (-) then EACH-E1.1.1 is interpreted as subinventory EACH, locator E1.1.1.
These profiles can be set to the same value or different values depending on the configuration of the warehouse labels. If these are the only fields to be concatenated, then this method is the preferred method of barcode concatenation.
To scan concatenated barcodes with fixed and variable lengths, set the following configuration options in the mwa.cfg file:
The global delimiter mwa.GlobalBarcodeDelimiter - list the ASCII values for all possible delimiters separated by a comma
The property mwa.FixedLengthFields